If your child is recovering from a stroke or brain and spinal cord injury, you can count on specialized treatment at the Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic. Our experienced team includes internationally recognized experts who are ready to provide the best possible care, including promising new therapies and medications.
Why Choose Us for Pediatric Stroke And Traumatic Brain Injury Care
- Nationally recognized team: Our neurology team includes nationally recognized experts in pediatric stroke. We have the expertise required to identify childhood stroke, which can have hard-to-recognize symptoms.
- Experience you can trust: Our experienced team includes a clinic director who has over 40 years of clinical practice in pediatric neurology and is internationally recognized for expertise in the field of pediatric traumatic brain injury.
- State-of-the-art facilities: Your child has access to one of the largest Pediatric Critical Care Units (25 beds) and Neonatal Intensive Care Units (90+ beds) in the state. These facilities are staffed by critical care and neonatal specialists and neurosurgeons who provide 24/7 evaluation and treatment for newborns, infants, and children with catastrophic brain and spinal cord injuries.
- The latest treatments: Our clinic has membership with the International Pediatric Stroke Study group — an international organization that supports pediatric stroke research — providing access to new innovative treatments before they’re available to others.
- Whole person care: We dedicate ourselves to a whole-child treatment philosophy, meaning we focus on every aspect of care to address physical, cognitive and behavioral impairments as a result of stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Pediatric Stroke Clinic
While many think that stroke is something that happens only to adults, the truth is it can happen at any age. When stroke does occur in children, the signs are often hard to detect. You can feel confident in your child’s treatment knowing that the Pediatric Stroke Center team has special expertise in recognizing and treating childhood stroke, so the right treatment can begin as soon as possible.
Our multidisciplinary team — which includes critical care, neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, interventional radiology, hematology, rheumatology, genetics, infectious disease and rehabilitation medicine specialists — will evaluate and care for your child in our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit until he or she is well enough to be released from inpatient care. Members of the team will help with the transition and may follow your child’s progress and care through long-term follow up care, depending on specific needs.
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic
Since a child’s brain is still developing, a traumatic brain injury can affect their future physical, cognitive and behavioral growth. Rest easier knowing your child is in good hands. The Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Clinic's primary purpose is to assist children who have developed impairments as a result of traumatic brain injury. Dr. Stephen Ashwal, the clinic director, has over 40 years of clinical practice in pediatric neurology and is internationally recognized for his expertise in the field of pediatric TBI. From neurologists to nutritionists, we’ll bring together every needed resource to help your child thrive.

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