Neurodevelopmental disabilities affect your child’s nervous system and brain, restricting their ability to develop. These are often long-term conditions that disrupt everyday activities.

We evaluate your child for these conditions and help them access the resources they need to live a fuller, happier life. Your child’s treatment path includes an evaluation with a child neurologist and, depending on your child’s problem, may also include: 

  • Psychological testing
  • Counseling
  • Targeted evaluation and therapy programs

Why Choose Us for Your Child’s Developmental Disability Care

  • Coordinated care: Our team sets your child on the best path to treatment through recommended testing and referral to the right experts. If your child has additional medical problems, they’ll have access to specialists at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.
  • Care designed for kids: From newborns to teenagers, our child neurologists have special training and expertise in evaluating any child’s needs.
  • All the experts your child needs: Our neurologists, psychologists, and therapists work together to provide whole person care, addressing your child’s physical and mental needs.
  • Autism spectrum disorder care: We work closely with the Autism Assessment Center to serve children with autism spectrum disorder covered by the Inland Empire Health Plan.
  • Finding the right resources: No matter your insurance coverage, we’ll help you decide the best resources for your child’s testing and treatment.

Conditions We Treat

What are neurodevelopmental disabilities?

Neurodevelopmental disabilities (like ADHD) are caused by issues in the development of your child’s nervous system and brain. You might notice developmental delays in your child’s speech, social skills or learning. Learning disabilities affect your child’s ability to perform in certain areas at school.

These developmental disabilities have many different causes, including genetic or metabolic disorders as well as issues during pregnancy or birth. Their symptoms also vary widely, as do their effects on your child’s day-to-day activities. 

With proper and timely treatment, some of the negative effects of neurodevelopmental disabilities can be partially or even totally improved. If you’re concerned with your child’s development, don’t hesitate to talk to your primary care provider.

What to Expect

Most of the children we see are referred for evaluation by the child’s doctor or psychologist. One of these providers can help you decide if seeing a child neurologist is right for your child’s needs.

Diagnosing your child’s developmental disability

Our team works to provide your child with comprehensive therapy options. Your child will first be evaluated by a child neurologist who decides and explains what testing or treatment is needed. Our team determines which laboratory tests are needed, including genetic or metabolic testing, neuroimaging or other studies. 

After your child’s evaluation, you’ll receive a comprehensive consultation report to help you understand your child’s diagnosis. Some children will require a comprehensive evaluation through our Pediatric Neuro-Assessment Program (PNAP), which usually takes about 3-5 hours. 

Treatment for developmental disabilities

Our consultation report provides specific information you need about your child’s diagnosis and the next steps to take. The report also provides you with tools for working with your child’s school system and other community resources. These resources can help you find effective treatment options for your child’s unique needs.

Depending on the situation, we may refer your child to other services to provide the best care possible. These referrals may include:

  • Further psychological testing
  • Counseling
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy

Take the Next Step

If you’ve noticed any abnormal behaviors in your child, speak with your pediatrician as soon as possible. Issues with learning, speech or motor function may be signs of a neurodevelopmental disability. With the right treatment, your child can reach their full potential.