Make an Appointment
Children's Hospital Radiology
Central Scheduling
11234 Anderson St. Room CH-2800
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Appointment Forms and Exam Preps
- Barium Enema: English | Spanish
- Esoph UGI: English | Spanish
- Intravenous Urogram: English | Spanish
- Voiding Cystourethrogram: English | Spanish
- General Anesthesia Prep
- What is a Voiding Cystourethrogram
Radiology Imaging Requests
Health Information Management
Phone: 909-651-4191
Fax: 909-558-2454
101 East Redlands Blvd., Suite 1200
San Bernardino, CA 92408
For patients with physician orders, please call Central scheduling at 909-558-5533.
For self-referrals, please call Clinical Support at 909-651-5333 to set an appointment.
Interpreter Services / Servicios de Traducción
To better serve our diverse community, we offer interpreter services free of charge for both patients and family. Learn more.
Para mejor servir a nuestra comunidad, ofrecemos servicios gratuitos de traducción para nuestros pacientes. Obtenga más información.