Thousands of children are alive today thanks to the work of Dr. Leonard Bailey. This world renowned surgeon pioneered infant heart transplantation surgery 25 years ago, right here at Loma Linda University’s Children's Hospital. In 1984 Baby Fae, a newborn with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, was given a xenograft heart transplant. This ushered in a new era in infant heart transplantation at Loma Linda and indeed around the world. In late 1985 the first successful neonatal human-to-human heart transplant was performed at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Now, more than 2,000 of these procedures have been conducted in hospitals across the world.
Currently, Loma Linda has performed more pediatric heart transplants than any other center. The transplant program presents a unique opportunity for the pediatric resident to be involved with a very special population of patients. Elective and/or research opportunities are readily available for the motivated house officer.