The health-care team begins planning for discharge when your child is first admitted. Staff members will work closely with you, anticipating you and your child's needs in preparation for going home. As a parent you are a vital member of the health-care team. Your participation is essential to achieving a smooth transition from the hospital to home. The staff will teach you any special procedures and answer questions so that you understand your child's home care needs at the time of discharge.

The members of the health-care team will try to notify you in advance of your child's anticipated date of discharge. Sometimes the decision to discharge your child may be made early on the day of discharge. When you are notified of your child's discharge date, please make transportation and other necessary arrangements right away.

California law requires all children under the age of four, or weighing less than 40 pounds, be fastened in an approved car seat when riding in automobiles. The Children's Hospital strongly recommends that you abide by this state law for your child's health and safety.

Often after a hospitalization, children go through a period of readjustment to home. You may notice your child is demanding, clinging, or has new fears. This period may require patience and understanding as well as consistent limit setting. If this reaction is excessive or prolonged your physician can provide further guidance.